Monday, December 27, 2010

The kitchen and the Closet

As a Detroiter-turned-New Yorker, the city has always held something magical and revealed itself to me in the most wondrous ways. I did not realize how much I love food until junior year when I went down the vegan path only to find out there is so much food out there to be devoured! When I realized I couldn't live without eggs, I tried vegetarianism. Alas, more vegetables and ethnic foods became even more appealing. I eventually caved into eating all sorts of food at the craving of bacon.

Junior year of college was riddled with all things "New" (York), I had just transferred to NYU, started acting school, and moved to the Big Apple with hopes of putting down roots. I wanted to get a new perspective on life through food. With designs to get myself in a more fit shape  (without hitting the gym, besides strolling about the city is a preferred transportation mode), a change of food can be a change of body. I started cooking for myself, cut my salt intake way down and started drinking plenty of water. Eating better and trying to get myself moving helped me get my body to a normal weight without killing myself. I never dieted, I just started to pay a bit more attention to what I ate. I try hard not to eat anything out of a wrapper or anything heavily processed but of course I have my weaknesses (Mexican Coca Cola, Chinese take out, donuts, fried chicken).
Cooking is an art, baking is a science but the main ingredients are always love, sunshine and happiness.  Whether it's inviting friends for dinner, bringing baked goods as a thank you, or just a way to bring friends together over something delicious, I couldn't love cooking and baking more. Cooking and baking at home has lead me to a healthier life style and happier body.  Eating better made me feel better about myself and made me love love love dressing up!

As an actress, I want to work on creative new works that tell good stories. It wouldn't be half bad if I got to work on good fun projects with fantastical, imaginative costumes either. Check out my acting website for more info on me.

On this blog I will stick to the kitchen and the closet. So, get out, dress up, and come hungry! Let the cooking, baking and happiness begin!